Photo © Rick Austin

membership icon Roving Membership


Benefits & Services
The Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club offers Roving Membership to boaters over the age of nineteen who own or operate a boat not docked, stored, or intends not to be docked or stored within the headlands of Conception Bay.

A full Boating Member may convert to a Roving Member at the end of any one season (December 31st) and may retain their berth assignment at the club for up to 2 seasons provided the berth fee is paid annually in addition to their Roving Membership fees. A Roving Member may upgrade their membership to a Full Membership or Facilities Member at any time by paying the applicable current balance of the annual fee for the membership. Roving Membership includes guest and credit privileges and includes the Member and their spouse (including cohabitating partner). The rights of a Roving Members is extended to children up to the age of 24. Roving Members are entitled to vote and hold office provided a berthing assignment is retained.

Membership fees are as shown on the Roving Membership Application form. For a Roving Member who wishes to retain a berth assignment, berth fees as per Full Boating Member.

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membership icon Apply for Membership

RNYC LOA drawing

LOA is the length of a vessel’s hull measured parallel to the waterline.

Membership Application Form
RNYC 2023 Roving Membership Application The Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club is a private boating club. Membership in the Club is by Application. After an advertised period of at least 5 days, the Executive reviews the application at its next meeting. If there are no objections, the application is accepted when all fees are paid.

The RNYC Roving Membership Application Form is a PDF which can be digitally signed and emailed to the RNYC General Manager Kathy Evans. To digitally sign the form download and open using Acrobat Reader and select the Fill & Sign option.

Once you have completed and signed the form, click on the submit button to email the form to the RNYC Manager's email account via your default email program. Alternatively you can save the completed form and attach it to an email addressed to

Alternatively the form can be printed and mailed to the Club at the following address:

    The Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club
    P.O. Box 14160, Station Manuels
    Conception Bay South, NL
    A1W 3J1

OR The printed and completed Application can be delivered to the Club office during regular business hours:

    The Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club
    108 Greenslades Rd.
    Conception Bay South, NL
    A1W 5H5

Payment in full is due upon acceptance of your application. Payment by cheque or credit card is accepted.

For more information we invite you to call or email RNYC General Manager Kathy Evans.

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