Photo © Rick Austin 2021

membership icon NOTICES

information icon    2024-08-21  

FINAL NOTICE regrading , Masts, Stands, Trailers or other items stored on club property

Dear Members,

We have sent a number of communications over the past year asking for cooperation by ALL members who have masts, stands, Trailers, or other items stored on club property (especially masts on the lawns/racks) to please clearly mark these items with your name or your boat name.

This now serves as a final notice that beginning next week all unidentified masts and stands will be removed from the racks and grounds and disposed of - we need to do this to ensure we have adequate winter storage space for the coming haulout.

Also, a significant cleanup of the Perrin's Road property will take place, so it is essential that all items in that area be clearly labelled as well, this is the fourth notice to this effect and over the rest of summer unlabeled property WILL be disposed of.

Thank you,
Matt Miller
Secretary/House & Grounds 2024
709 691 9705

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Gas Service Interruption

RNYC Boating Membership Application Notice to Members: We have been advised that our Gas service will have an interruption for about one week. Our new gas tank has arrived and installation in planned to begin on Monday May 27th.

The tank and gas pump will be out of commission and we will advise when back in service

We have little gas left in the tank as we have been only purchasing small quantities due to the anticipated construction.

Note: There will be no interruption to the diesel service.

Kathy Evans
General Manager
Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club
709 834-5151

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Haulout Update

Good Day Members,

As our summer season comes to an end it’s time to think about haul out operations and winter boat storage We plan to have haul out concluded by the end of October this year and there will be work done on the North Wharf which we will need to coordinate boat positions to ensure this is done efficiently and safely

As a reminder, members must do any repairs and maintenance on their cradles, stands or trailers prior to their use. This is not the responsibility of the Club nor its employees. If equipment is not suitable and our Yard team deems the use of such equipment to be unsafe, it will not be used.

To assist with scheduling, please book your mast removal and haul out through the office as early as possible so that we can coordinate and plan the best location for your boat. While members may have preferred locations for storage, this is ultimately up to the Yard Master.

It is essential that we cooperate and coordinate with our Yard team this season as we’ve seen in the past, as we have a lot of boats to manage this season and have limited space so storage will be tight. This can be done effectively and safely, but members must honour bookings and have equipment/personnel ready to do the work. Individual delays will inevitably result in more work for our Yard team and frustration for other members.

Mast will be coordinated separately and as done in past years, they will need to be scheduled separately to avoid delays the day of haul out and in the planning of Yard team workloads. Also a reminder that all mast spreaders must be removed with no exceptions.

If you own a trailer in the yard please remove it now. As we are starting to haul out boats this week, these will be in the way and will only delay this operation. If our Yard team needs to move these or any other moves with boats on trailers that are not necessary , then you will be invoiced a charge for that work - a minimum $50.00 charge for each move.

To ensure equipment stored on property is still owned by members, we will require all masts currently on the mast racks and cradles stored at Perrin’s road to be tagged with your name, if you should own it. There is a lot of uncertainty around ownership of some of these items and over time we will be putting all equipment that has not been claimed on the Perrin’s Road property to free up space on our main Club property.

This is also the time to update the Club on your boat insurance as this will be asked prior to hauling out your boat. For those members storing your boat in water over-winter, insurance showing that coverage must also be provided to the Club Manager Prior to November 30th.

Thank you all for your continued support and cooperation in this part of the boating season and we look forward to a safe, efficient and seamless operation.

Kathy Evans
General Manager
Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club

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