Background photo: Engin Akyurt, Pexels. Food photo © Rick Austin

membership icon Dining Loyalty Rewards

Our Loyalty Rewards Program offers valuable discounts and Loyalty-Members-Only offers.


1. Click this link

2. Click on SIGN IN/SIGN UP.

3. Click on Sign Up.

rewards button rewards sign up button


  • Build points faster! Create one account per couple or household. Accounts cannot be combined.
  • This is a Web App and can be used on any device and saved as a shortcut your phone's home screen.
  • Present your Loyalty Rewards QR code to your server upon check out.
  • Rewards are applicable to food or beverage purchases only.
  • Rewards do not apply to fuel or merchandise.
  • Only one scan per visit permitted.
If you need help signing up please contact us by phone or email.

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