Photo © Rick Austin

visiting boat icon Visiting Boats

membership icon Local Services

marina icon Visiting Boat Policy
Non-member boats are welcome visitors at the RNYC. In order to accommodate the differing needs and requirements of local versus international voyagers boats visiting RNYC are classified into two categories:
Visiting Boats* – Boats originating from within the Province.
Transient Boats – Boats originating from outside the province (ocean going yachts)
*Non-member personal water crafts are not considered visiting boats and are not permitted to dock at the RNYC marina or channel quay.
Visiting and transient yachts are required to register and endorse a usage wavier.

RNYC Policies and Procedures
All visitors are required to follow all RNYC club policies and standard operating procedures. The RNYC reserves the right to deny entry or revoke berthing rights in any case of policy violation or in the event berthage is unavailable.

Securing Your Boat
The owner or representative of a visiting or transient yacht must ensure that the vessel is adequately secured and fendered to the satisfaction of the RNYC Yard Master.

Maximum Stay - Visiting Boats:
The maximum length of a stay for a visiting boat is 14 days within a 28 day period. The first day of a stay is the first day of the 28 days allowed (1/28). The maximum stay allowed may be adjusted under extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the executive.

Maximum Stay - Transient Boats
There is no no maximum stay for transient boats.

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marina icon Registration

RNYC LOA drawing

Fees are calculated according to values entered for Length Overall (LOA), beam, and weight. LOA is the length of a vessel’s hull measured parallel to the waterline.

marina icon Registration

marina icon Visiting Boats Registration Form
RNYC Visiting Boat Registration Form The RNYC Visiting Boat Registration Form Form is a PDF which can be digitally signed and is emailed to the RNYC General Manager Kathy Evans on clicking SUBMIT using your device’s default email application.

To digitally sign the form open it using Acrobat Reader. Alternatively the form can be printed and mailed or brought to the Club.

RNYC LOA drawing There is a minimum $40 per night berthage fee for boats under 31 feet LOA. For larger boats fees are calculated according to values entered for Length Overall (LOA), beam, and weight. LOA is the length of a vessel’s hull measured parallel to the waterline. Berthage is calculated according to LOA and number of nights entered.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment in full is due upon submitting the Registration Form. Payment by cheque or credit card is accepted.

The Application requires the boat owner’s signature. RNYC LOA drawing

For more information call or email RNYC General Manager Kathy Evans.

marina icon Services
marina icon Services
Downtown CBS

“Whenever I needed the crane, whenever I needed anything, they were ready to do. It seemed like my schedule became their schedule. It was amazing. I never saw that in a boatyard. ”

Olivier Huin - Captain of Breskell Evening Telegram

berthage Berthage or docking fee for visiting & transient boats is $1.30/ft. per day based on the length Overall (LOA) value submitted in the Visiting Boat Registartion Form. A minimum daily docking fee is $40.00 applicable to boats of 30.7 feet LOA or less.

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Electrical Service - Visiting & Transient Boats
fuel pumps Dockside electrical service is available at $13.00 per day for 30 amp service.

Refueling Services - Visiting & Transient Boats
fuel pumps Gasoline and diesel fuel is available during regular office hours; 8:30 – 4:30 -Monday to Friday, (with reservation). Contact the RNYC office or RNYC Yard Master. Fuel pump operation and refueling must be supervised by RNYC yard staff.

Clubhouse Facilities - Visiting & Transient Boats
fuel pumps     Restaurant & Food Services
    Laundry* and Shower
    Swimming Pool

Hours for the Restaurant are available on the restaurant web page. Takeout and dockside delivery services are available during regular restaurant hours.

Laundry Facilities are made available at $10 per load for wash and dry. The number of loads allowed is based on the estimated number of loads required as declared in the Visiting Boat Registration Form. Additional loads may be purchased at the Office during regular opening hours.

Hours and Rules for use of the Swimming Pool are available on the swimming pool web page.

Marina Facilities - Transient Boats
fuel pumps Haul Out
    Less than 10 tons - $220.00 / lift
    11 – 25 tons - $330.00 / lift
    Over 25 tons - $385.00 / lift

Mast Crane $40.00 / lift

Boat Storage $10.00 /day or 50% of full membership

Boat Transport to Storage
    Travel Lift - $300.00
    Trailer - $200.00

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